A lire sur le site du Studbook AES, une interview de Joris de Brabander, propriétaire du jeune étalon de 4 ans, Denzel v’h Meulenhof, agréé AES et père de notre pouliche Dancing Queen. Extrait : « His youngest talents are Cadeau de Muze, the son of Nabab de Rêve and Atlanta (Katharina Offel), and also the four-year-old Denzel vh Meulenhof, by Marius Claudius and Narcotique IV de Muze (Ludo Philippaerts). Denzel was sent away at the AES approvals because the judges thought he jumped too high. AES waited for the stallion at the exit and welcomed him with open arms. His grandmother Querly Chin (Chin Chin) is the world famous mare, also mother of Walnut de Muze (Harrie Smolders). » http://angloeuropeanstudbook.co.uk/interviews/joris-de-brabander-aes-is-trendsetter